Sold Items

Here is some of our sold items

Hopefully, if there is something here that you like then we can try and source you one on our next trips.

Antique Sendai Kuruma Dansu

ZB88 - Japanese Zabuton Cushion

Japanese Zabuton Cushion - Striped Set

Maru Obi - Flower Carts & Cranes

Flowers in Bloom Byobu

Japanese Bonsai Stand - Kadai

Kamakura Bori Fukuro Owl Statue

Iron Kettle - Tetsubin

Sapporo Strike Beer Crate

Sapporo Strike Beer Crate

IS09 - Japanese Architectural - Ranma Transom - Pine and Cranes

Cranes & Pine Ranma

Vintage Japanese Glass Vase

Glass Bottle Collection

Nagado Taiko Drum

Taiko Drum

RT06 - Japanese Religious Artefacts - Jizo Bosatsu

Jizo Bosatsu

Maru Obi - Flowers & Cranes

Maru Obi - Cranes, Boats, Waves & Flowers

Vintage Clothing Tansu

Fabulous Antique Merchant's Chest

Go Set - Table & Pieces

Aka Shino Vase

Kōshi-do Entrance Door Pair

Meiji Period Landscape Byobu II

Meiji Period Landscape Byobu II

Antique Mise dansu - Shop Chest

Zabuton - Green & Pink

FS32 - Japanese Furniture - Antique Kitchen Chest - Mizuya dansu

Antique Kitchen Chest - Mizuya dansu

CU03 - Japanese Ceramics - Antique Imari Charger Plate

Antique Imari Charger Plate